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Map Gallery


Below are examples of projects created by Amanda Hackney and Jess Lucas for previous clients and projects. Maps can be customized with your preferred company logos, colors, fonts, etc.

A variety of basemap templates are available to showcase your data, highlight recommended solutions, define analysis output and communicate your story.


Online Interactive Maps

Online maps that the public can explore are a great way to showcase your project, organization's scope or even to summarize information for a report.  These products can be customized with text, external links, photographs and geographic "buttons" to highlight locations of interest. 










Publication Maps
2050 map
Proportional Sites
Total Number Birds

Custom elevation, soil type, land cover, and more maps available for your property.

Lee College CMP Project Sites
Texas Waterbird Colonies

Created for the Texas Waterbird Society website.

Sabine Lake

Multiple inset maps in one file help tell a story.

Bayou Study Sites
South Georgia Forest Mgmt

Custom parcel maps for the forestry and agriculture industries available.

Watershed map example

Watershed layers are widely available and underlying colored polygons really make the study area stand out.

TCU Aerial Map

Custom map created for a TCU Frogs fan and printed on aluminum.

Publication map color
Map for Journal Publication

Maps can be created to publishing journal specifications, including black and white coloration to keep costs down.

Hot Spots of Predation

A multitude of statistical tools are built into the ESRI software we use. Hotspot analyses and other spatial tests can bring patterns to light in your data.

Simple polygon map example

Polygons can be filled with a range of colors, hash marks, or symbols. Fill colors can also vary in transparency to show information below.

Overlay on USGS Basemap
Custom Wall Map

We can design and print your custom map on an eye-catching aluminum wall hanging.

© 2024 by Amanda Hackney/ Black Cat GIS & Biological LLC

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